Let Food be thy Medicine

The above is a famous line by Hippocrates, an Unani doctor,  father of Western medicine. In the pre-penicillin era, people died of cuts, wounds and infections. Which were contracted from the external environment. The world raced to find potent chemical drugs (antibiotics, anti-viral etc.) to fight these conditions.

Louis Pasteur had come to realize that germs may not be the cause of disease after all, but instead are probably the results of a disease. In other words, various bacteria and other infectious organisms may be present when there is some type of disease, but infection tends to establish itself primarily when a person’s own defense or immune system is sufficiently   compromised to make the person susceptible to the infection.

Louis Pasteur’s realization at the end of his life which went unnoticed by most conventional physicians and by the public at large. Is when a person experiences an infection, most people think that it is best to take an antibiotic for bacterial infection and an anti-viral drug for viral infection. There are however, problems with such drugs. Besides the various side-effects they cause, they become ineffective over time in various instances. Even when they are effective, their pharmacological structure tends to increase the chances of infective agents adapting to the drugs thereby reducing the chance that the drug may continue to remain effective in the future

Over the years the very nature of diseases that ails our society has changed. Presently 70 to 80 percent of all diseases suffered by our society are non-communicable in nature, also otherwise known as lifestyle diseases. Lifestyle diseases are cumulative deficiencies of mostly unknown origin caused due to an internal imbalance which eventually negatively impact our health over time, they are not contagious in nature; therefore the term ‘Non-Communicable Diseases’ or ‘Autoimmune Diseases’. As the name suggest it only stands to reason that we stimulate the immune system to manage any Auto Immune Disease. 

Instead of chemically trying to manage these condition, long-term relief from lifestyle diseases can best be achieved by  pursuing holistic approach towards wellness. 

Body is the Best Doctor:

At the Pill Box Project we believe the body is best designed and equipped to heal itself. We consciously need to support the body and nurture  it with the critical  salts, vitamins, micro nutrients and the necessary lifestyle changes.

Difference between Remedy and Poison lies in its concentration:

Curare is a plant based deadly poison used by the indigenous people of South America to kill monkeys and enemies alike. In the right dilution though, this can become a miracle remedy. Homeopaths administer Curare to cure extreme cases of brain malaria amongst various other ailments. When Chanakya was asked to define poison he replied, ‘Anything in Excess’: even the best of things overdone can be detrimental to one’s system, including physical exercises. 

While “change of lifestyle” is  necessary and welcoming, one must exercise caution in implementing it. It’s wiser to make small incrementals changes for good than make, shortlived, multiple changes.

Death and Disease are not Connected:

Death in itself is finally the single largest killer- old age and diseases are not synonymous with death as most people may seem to believe. Many a time people suffering from an otherwise life-threating disease, finally die of some other random cause. Postmortem on elderly male adults have, sometime, revealed that while these men suffered from advanced stage of prostate cancer, the final cause of death was due to an entirely different reason. On the other hand people have remained in coma for years, for instance, the nurse from the KEM hospital Mumbai, who lived for more than four decades in a state of coma before meeting her fateful day. Healthy people die of accidents, snake bite etc.

The very term “old-age illness” is in itself a misconception. Recently the UN redefined  the category of ‘old age’ from the present seventy years old to eighty years and above. This means, the ones who were otherwise labeled as suffering from old age diseases will now have to wait to turn eighty before they can enjoy the same label.

 While it is true that the body deteriorates with time but there is nothing that can be diagnosed as an old-age illness. The truth is that the real age-old illness our society suffers from is loosly labeling any disease; as “old-age illness” whose real cause it cannot diagnose or provide relief to. While it is true that most often death uses the route of disease to achieve its final objective but one must always strive to acheive a state of wellness until death doth one part.   

At the Pill Box Project we are not trying to treat or medicate participants for any specific illness or symptoms. This is no substitute to prescription medication either. We’re only providing the participants with the necessary nutrients, micro-nutrients and supplementing the diet with natural supplements to help the body heal itself. The addition of natural phyto- and bio-chem supplements to one’s diet is to fortify the immune system. 

Jonas Salk, the renowned Virologist who developed Polio vaccine noted, instead of trying to attack a specific problem, another strategy to re-establish health is to attempt to stimulate a person’s own immune and defense system. Ultimately this is the common approach in any holistic healthcare system.

As The Mother said one must find the spiritual reason behind any illness.