
Our Motto: To reinstate faith in the body as HEALER

Pill Box Project has been running, as a pilot project in the Ashram and Auroville (Mechthild, Auroville  Health Service) for under two years with around 40 active participants. The initial observations are noteworthy and very encouraging, calling for further research and scientific documentation of the data collected. Given below are  some of our observations:

– A participant suffering from acute chronic psoriatic arthritis found relief and has reversed his condition.

– Early stage of Parkinsonia has been reversed in a lady in her eighties.

– A high-BP participant, in her late seventies, was completely taken off allopathic medication.

– A participant with a parental history of Type II diabetes and suffering from the same is completely free of all allopathic medications, for a year plus.

– A participant, in his mid-eighties, suffering from osteoporosis with extreme pain in his knees, has found much relief, presently being able to freely walk up and down the stairs, several times a day, in an old traditional building with high ceilings.

– Some volunteers have experienced healthy hair and nail growth with Ashwangandha. 

– Women participants have benefited much from menopause/post-menopausal issues.

– Participants have found relief from piles and constipation.

– A participant on a catheter regularly suffering from UTI was freed of all symptoms.

– A lady participant who suffered acute migraine, during most of her adult life found much relief and presently suffers an occasional mild attack.

– Two participants suffering from sinus with chronic nasal congestion have been completely cured.

– A participant was taken off antidepressants with the help of “Rescue” remedy, which is one of the key supplements in the Pill Box Project.

– Even after complete greying due to Kali Mur, which aids the B-12 production in the gut, some participants ranging from their early fifties to their mid-eighties have experienced regrowth of black hair.

– A participant who could not walk without the assistance of a walker, after a spinal surgery, was seen climbing two flights of stairs on his own.

These and many such positive results keep bolstering our commitment to bring as many people as possible under the Pill Box Project.

             Working towards a Holistic Integrated  Affordable Preventive Healthcare